RadioCITY has board members who have served over 12 years on the board. With those 12 years, they bring experience and stability, but also a resistance to change. What worked for the past 12 years may not work now. The landscape has changed.
More people are working from home due to COVID. The entire usage pattern of our private units, our common elements and amenities, and the public space that surrounds our building is completely different than it was 3 years ago.
The neighbourhood has changed. There are many new condos on our block that people can chose from when looking to buy, and our resale value will be affected if we don’t up our game. Crime has increased, and public spaces have degraded. People are tense and frustrated.
Finally, technology has changed peoples expectations for communications and community. As business moved online and we learned to work from home, we learned new skills for online communication and community building. RadioCITY needs to adapt to a more reactive, fast paced, online world.
Term limits
Term limits would not remove existing directors from their current terms or roles
Term limits are not directed against certain directors, but would apply to all directors evenly
Term limits would not prevent directors from re-running after they have sat a year out.
Term limits are meant to make space for fresh directors with fresh ideas, and give them a chance to win enough board of director votes to move things forward.